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Moving data between different servers in oracle

I'm new to Oracle, and I am working on moving specific data from a DB on one server to the DB on another server.

The two DBs have the same schema, but I want to pull specific columns referenced by their keys and move the data into other server. I'm trying to figure out what the best plan of attack on this would be.

A method that allows a command line just so I can type in the key of the data I want moved is preferred. Is it perhaps possible to accomplish with a PLSQL script?



  • Assuming that you can create network connections between the two databases, the simplest option would be to create a database link between them, i.e.

      CONNECT TO username_on_b
      IDENTIFIED BY password
      USING 'tns_alias_for_b'

    You could then use that database link to query data from database B, i.e.

    INSERT INTO table_name( list_of_columns )
      SELECT list_of_columns
        FROM table_name@to_b
       WHERE primary_key_value = <<some value>>;

    That can be either a straight SQL statement, part of a PL/SQL procedure, or part of a SQL*Plus script. A PL/SQL procedure

    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE move_row_from_b( 
      p_key_value IN table_name.primary_key%type 
      INSERT INTO table_name( list_of_columns )
        SELECT list_of_columns
          FROM table_name@to_b
         WHERE primary_key_value = p_key_value;
    END move_row_from_b;

    which can be invoked either via EXEC from SQL*Plus or via an anonymous PL/SQL block

    SQL> exec move_row_from_b( 23 );
      move_row_from_b( 23 );

    Or you could write a SQL*Plus script

    variable key_value number;
    accept key_value prompt 'Enter key: '
    INSERT INTO table_name( list_of_columns )
      SELECT list_of_columns
        FROM table_name@to_b
       WHERE primary_key_value = :key_value;