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How can I preview a SwiftUI View shared between iOS and WatchOS?

I have a sample SwiftUI View I am using in a iOS with Apple Watch Extension and I am getting this error when I try to preview it in a WatchOS "Device":

The run destination iPhone 12 mini is not valid for Running the scheme 'TestApp WatchKit App' I have tried everything. Restarting Xcode like suggested here was one of the first things.


  • The way I got it to "work" eventually was with a pinned preview.

    This is my sample View, it lives in a "SharedViews" Folder and it has Target Membership in TestApp as well as TestApp WatchKit Extension:

    struct CustomTextView: View {
        let caption: String
        let foreground: Color
        var body: some View {
            VStack {
                Text("Colored\r" + caption)
    //struct CustomTextView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
    //    static var previews: some View {
    //        CustomTextView(caption: "Shared Preview", foreground: .blue)
    //    }

    To preview this View in a Watch Device I created a "Helpers" Folder in TestApp WatchKit Extension and inside this I created a "Container View" which is only Member of TestApp WatchKit Extension:

    struct CustomTextViewWatchPreview: View {
        var body: some View {
            CustomTextView(caption: "Watch Preview Container", foreground: .red)
    struct CustomTextViewWatchPreview_Previews: PreviewProvider {
        static var previews: some View {

    Now to preview my CustomTextView I open the ..Preview File and pin it's preview. Then I switch back to the CustomTextView file, apply my changes and see them in the pinned preview. To get rid of the "cannot preview..." error I comment-out the own preview of the CustomTextView like above.

    To preview in iPhone I change the run target, uncomment the own preview and unpin the Watch Preview.

    Does anyone have a better solution? Maybe one where I can preview my View in iPhone and Apple Watch at the same time?