I'm developing on Yocto 2.4 rockowith a BSP given by my provider. I'm trying to build modemmanager from the meta-openembedded layer, included in the meta-oe sub layer.
The configure task fail and give me as error :
checking for gobject-introspection...
configure: error: gobject-introspection-1.0 is not installed
After some search I've installed the libgirepository1.0-dev package on my host machine. But the error is always present.
I've continued investigations, and find in my recipe log the line :
DEBUG: EXCLUDE FROM WORLD: virtual:native:/home/test/share/sc20_linux/poky/meta/recipes-gnome/gobject-introspection/gobject-introspection_1.52.1.bb
I've tried to find which recipe excludes the dependency, with no success.
Can you help me to understand how works the EXCLUDE_FROM_WORLD mechanism ?
Thanks for your help.
I suspect that is debug output and doesn't mean the recipe is excluded. Have you looked at the modemmanager recipe to see if it has a DEPENDS on gobject-introspection-native and perhaps gobject-introspection? If not, or the PACKAGECONFIG isn't set, try adding the DEPENDS or enabling the PACKGECONFIG?
Also, have you tried simply building "bitbake object-introspection-native" and "bitbake object-introspection". You should get an error about why they ar disabled if you try and build them directly and they are excluded/disabled for some reason.