I have created a mat-dialog component to fire for http response. When I include a ngIf statement inside the html for the mat-dialog,it is not handled. On the console it shows a warning as follows.
Can't bind to 'ngIf' since it isn't a known property of 'div'.
NgIf works fine in all other components in the project.
Calling for mat-dialog inside typescript file.
this.matDialog.open(PaymentModelComponent, {
width: "630px",
data: { message: response.comment },
autoFocus: false,
height: "630px",
html code
<div *ngIf="true"><p>Show this only if "show" is true</p></div>
Why do ng-if don't work inside a mat-dialog ?
All I needed to do was to add the DialogComponent to the module's declarations:
declarations: [..., MyDialogComponent]
No need to have the component code in the same file.