i found the answer: How to get Gitlab merge request description in Gitlab CI?
But there is no answer to the request:
i added a header:
Where $TOKEN - CI_BUILD_TOKEN or CI_JOB_TOKEN, but answer:
HTTPCode: 401
UPD. I created script:
#!/usr/bin.env bash
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
echo "[--] urlBase: ${urlBase}"
echo "[--] key + build"
curl "${urlBase}?private_token=${CI_BUILD_TOKEN}"
echo "[--] key + job"
curl "${urlBase}?private_token=${CI_JOB_TOKEN}"
echo "[--] header + build"
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${CI_BUILD_TOKEN}" "${urlBase}"
echo "[--] header + job"
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${CI_JOB_TOKEN}" "${urlBase}"
echo "[--] header2 + build"
curl --header "Authorization: Bearer ${CI_BUILD_TOKEN}" "${urlBase}"
echo "[--] header2 + job"
curl --header "Authorization: Bearer ${CI_JOB_TOKEN}" "${urlBase}"
but output:
{"message":"401 Unauthorized"}
Assuming you're calling the GitLab API using cURL, you need to pass the API token explicitly. Read the GitLab Documentation carefully, since there are quite a few gotchas.
Here are some common ways for passing credentials in a cURL command:
As a parameter:
curl "$CI_API_V4_URL/projects/$CI_PROJECT_ID/merge_requests/$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID?private_token=<your_access_token>"
As a header:
curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "$CI_API_V4_URL/projects/$CI_PROJECT_ID/merge_requests/$CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID"
The GitLab documentation specifies which API calls can be made with $CI_JOB_TOKEN
With a few API endpoints you can use a GitLab CI/CD job token to authenticate with the API: Packages, Artifacts, Pipeline Triggers, Release Creation, Terraform Plan.
Note that Merge Request is not in that list, so that won't work.
According to this issue, $CI_BUILD_TOKEN
was deprecated in GitLab 9.x and was renamed to $CI_JOB_TOKEN
, so that won't work either.
You can authenticate to a GitLab API using Personal Access Tokens, or PATs. First, create your PAT using these instructions. Make sure you select api as the scope. Then, add the token to a GitLab variable following these instructions. Make sure you enable "Mask Variable" so that your token is not exposed in logs. Now, in gitlab-ci.yml
, the variable you created will be available as an environment variable.