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how to convert pandas dataframe to columns in python

I have a dataset given below:

weekid   A      B      C      D      E     F
    1    10    20      30     40     0     50
    2    70    100     0      0      80    0 

I am trying to convert given first dataset into another format without including missing values (which is 0 in this case):

weekid type amount
1       A    10   
1       B    20
1       C    30
1       D    40
1       F    50

2       A    70
2       E    80
2       B    100

Is there any way to convert first pandas dataframe into second one as a dataframe efficiently? Thanks.


  • You can use melt and filter the data when value != 0.

    First you want to identify all the columns that you want to use as identifies. So you set id_vars to weekid as that's your primary column to match.

    id_vars: Column(s) to use as identifier variables.

    Then you want to identify column that needs to end up as rows. Set the var_name to that. In this case, that's columns A thru F and you want that to be assigned to Type

    var_name: Name to use for the ‘variable’ column. If None it uses or ‘variable’.

    Then you want to identify all the values in the rows that need to end up as a column. Here you want all the values to be part

    value_name: Name to use for the ‘value’ column.

    You then get the final dataframe. However, you want to remove values that are equal to 0. So you filter them out using != 0.

    Update: Added recommendation from @sammywemmy By using ignore_index=False, we are able to capture the index of the original dataframe. Then sorting it by that index, we retain the order. I am then resetting the index.

    Putting all that together, here's how you can do it.

    c = ['weekid','A','B','C','D','E','F']
    d = [[1,10,20,30,40,0,50],
    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.DataFrame(d,columns=c)
    df1= (df.melt(id_vars=["weekid"], 
    df1 = df1[df1['Amount'] != 0]
    print (df1)

    The output will be:

    Input dataframe:

       weekid   A    B   C   D   E   F
    0       1  10   20  30  40   0  50
    1       2  70  100   0   0  80   0

    Output dataframe:

        weekid Type  Amount
    0        1    A      10
    1        1    B      20
    2        1    C      30
    3        1    D      40
    5        1    F      50
    6        2    A      70
    7        2    B     100
    10       2    E      80

    An alternate method I found in this StackOverflow link is to set_index with stack for MultiIndex Series and then reset_index

    You can do it this way:

    c = ['weekid','A','B','C','D','E','F']
    d = [[1,10,20,30,40,0,50],
    import pandas as pd
    df = pd.DataFrame(d,columns=c)
    df2 = (df.set_index(["weekid"])
    df2 = df2[df2['Amount'] != 0]
    print (df2)

    The output will be:

        weekid Type  Amount
    0        1    A      10
    1        1    B      20
    2        1    C      30
    3        1    D      40
    5        1    F      50
    6        2    A      70
    7        2    B     100
    10       2    E      80