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How to get the FolderID from Google Drive folders using Chilkat DLL

Im using the ChilKat to develop a tool using VB.NET, that performs a single file upload to my google drive account. Im able to get the folderID within a root folder, but im struggling to get the folderID if there is a path of folders.

At this moment the argument FolderPath is not being used (i will, when i uncover how to properly get the FolderID). For now, i can get the "Nova" folder id, but none of the other folders within the following tree:

enter image description here

Is there an easier way to get the folderID from GoogleDrive? I would also like to create the path of folders on Google Drive, in case they dont exist.

I never worked with JSON or HTTP requests, so im kind of lost here. Any help would be mostly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

Private Function FolderID(ByVal FolderPath As String) As String

    Dim rest As New Chilkat.Rest

    '  Connect using TLS.
    Dim success As Boolean = rest.Connect("", 443, True, True)

    '  Provide the authentication credentials (i.e. the access token)
    Dim gAuth As New Chilkat.AuthGoogle
    gAuth.AccessToken = M_AccessToken

    Dim json As New Chilkat.JsonObject
    json.EmitCompact = False

    '  Get the folder Testes folder that is in the Google Drive root.
    rest.AddQueryParam("q", "'root' in parents and name='Testes'")
    Dim jsonResponse As String = rest.FullRequestNoBody("GET", "/drive/v3/files")
    If Not rest.LastMethodSuccess Then
        Return rest.LastErrorText
        Exit Function
    End If



    '  Now that we know the ID for the Testes directory, get the id for the folder Nova having Testes as the parent.
    Dim sbQuery As New Chilkat.StringBuilder
    sbQuery.Append("name = 'nova' and '")
    sbQuery.Append("' in parents")

    rest.AddQueryParamSb("q", sbQuery)

    jsonResponse = rest.FullRequestNoBody("GET", "/drive/v3/files")
    If Not rest.LastMethodSuccess Then
        Return (rest.LastErrorText)
        Exit Function
    End If


    Return json.StringOf("files[0].id")

End Function


  • I managed a way by performing iterative requests. Don't know if this is the correct way, but it works...

    Here's the code, now using the FolderPath with format /folder1/folder2/folderN

    Private Function GetFolderID(ByVal FolderPath As String) As String
        Dim Rest As New Chilkat.Rest
        ' Connect to Google APIs server
        Dim Connected As Boolean = Rest.Connect("", 443, True, True)
        If Not Connected Then
            Return "Error attempting to connect: " & Rest.ConnectFailReason
            Exit Function
        End If
        ' Provide the Access token
        Dim GAuth As New Chilkat.AuthGoogle
        GAuth.AccessToken = M_AccessToken
        ' Instance to JSON object
        Dim JSON As New Chilkat.JsonObject
        JSON.EmitCompact = False
        ' Parse the provided path and split to array
        Dim ParseFolder As String = Strings.Right(FolderPath, Len(FolderPath) - 1)
        Dim Folders As String() = Split(ParseFolder, "/")
        '  Get the root folder that is in the Google Drive folders structure
        Rest.AddQueryParam("q", "'root' in parents and name='" & Folders(0) & "'")
        Dim Response As String = Rest.FullRequestNoBody("GET", "/drive/v3/files")
        If Not Rest.LastMethodSuccess Then
            Return Rest.LastErrorText
            Exit Function
        End If
        'Iterate on the folders to get the last folder's id
        For i = 1 To Folders.Length - 1
            Dim sbQuery As New Chilkat.StringBuilder
            sbQuery.Append("name = '" & Folders(i) & "' and '")
            sbQuery.Append("' in parents")
            Rest.AddQueryParamSb("q", sbQuery)
            Response = Rest.FullRequestNoBody("GET", "/drive/v3/files")
            If Not Rest.LastMethodSuccess Then
                Return Rest.LastErrorText
                Exit Function
            End If
        ' Get the folder id
        Return JSON.StringOf("files[0].id")
    End Function