I am building a simple web app displays a panel of information for each item in a database. Part of this information is a picture that I would like to display alongside it.
This code in the panel component used to work fine:
<img src={require(`../../../assets/images/${props.image_name}.png`)} />
However, I recently updated my modules and the images are now broken. Is there a new recommended way to do this?
The best way to do that should be this:
First: make index.js
inside image folder then import all image
import img1 from "./image_name.jpg";
export const image_name = img1;
export const image_name = require("./image_name.jpg")
Second: import them like this:
import * as images from "../assets/img";
Last: use them like module
<img src={images[props.image_name])} />