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Aggregating fields in graphene/django queries

I am writing a graphene/django ORM query, where I need to aggregate the values of a particular field on all my query result objects and return it with the query. Not quite sure how to do that, as this involves some post-processing. Would appreciate it if someone can offer some guidance.

Here's some sample code. Django model class 'Market' has an integer field 'num_vendors'. The Graphene wrapper is 'MarketNode' that wraps around the 'Market' model class:

Model class:

class Market(models.Model):
       num_vendors = models.IntegerField(....)

Graphene class:

class MarketNode(DjangoObjectType):
      model: Market

I'd like the query to return 'market_count' (there are multiple markets) and 'vendor_count' (sum of all 'vendors' across all markets). So the query would look like:

allMarkets {
  edges {
    node {

For the market_count, I am following this example (this works fine):

For vendor_count (across all markets), I assume I need to iterate over the results and add all the num_vendors fields, after the query is complete and resolved. How can I achieve this? This must be a fairly common-use case, so I am sure graphene provides some hooks to do this.


  • You can define MarketConnection with the count fields on it.

    Something like:

    class MarketConnection(graphene.relay.Connection):
        class Meta:
            node = Market
        market_count = graphene.Int(required=True)
        vendor_count = graphene.Int(required=True)
        def resolve_market_count(self, info, **kwargs):
            return self.iterable.count() if isinstance(self.iterable, QuerySet) else len(self.iterable)
        def resolve_vendor_count(self, info, **kwargs):
            if isinstance(self.iterable, QuerySet):
                return self.iterable.aggregate(Count("vendor"))
            return sum([market.num_vendors for market in self.iterable])

    and add connection_class to your MarketNode

    class MarketNode(DjangoObjectType):
       class Meta:
          model: Market
          connection_class: MarketConnection