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Handling Data with and Without double quotation marks In Hive

Can someone please guide me how should I Load data in hive where I am getting " in some rows and in some rows data is coming without " for the same column value.

    Sample Data:

    1,Monali,"/"coppers bars","rods and profiles"/",,23,23
    2,money,"/"COUPLING","FLANGES & CROSS OVER"/",67,23,60

In above data for id '2' " are not there in desc column value.

My Create Statement:

    create external table testing(id int, 
                  name string, 
                  desc string, 
                  uqc double, 
                  roll int, 
                  age int
    ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.RegexSerDe' 
    WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ('input.regex'='^(\\d+?),(.*?),"(.*)",([0-9.]*),([0-9]*),([0-9]*).*')
    location ....

While loading Data I'm not getting any error. But when I doing select * from statement is not Executing. Above Create and select statement working fine If data is coming with ", but is not working if data is coming with and without ".


  • Currently third group in the regexp is enclosed in quotes (quotes are mandatory). Try to make quotes optional "? - means zero or one quote, also make group content non-greedy (.*?), so it will not catch extra quote inside the group:


    Testing your data example using regexp_replace, I also added optional slash around 3rd group to remove it from the output:

    with mytable as (
    select stack(6,
        '1,Monali,"/"coppers bars","rods and profiles"/",,23,23',
        '2,money,"/"COUPLING","FLANGES & CROSS OVER"/",67,23,60',
        '2,money,"17",19"LCD PANEL FOR COMPUTER",67,23,60'
    ) as initial_data
    select regexp_replace(initial_data,'^(\\d+?),(.*?),"?/?(.*?)/?"?,([0-9.]*),(\\d*),(\\d*).*',
                                       '$1 || $2 || $3 || $4 || $5 || $6'
                         ) as parsed_result
     from mytable

    Result (delimited by two pipes and spaces ' || '):

    1 || Monali || abhc,jkjk || || 23 || 23
    2 || mj || nhiijkla || 67 || 23 || 60
    7 || jena || kdjuu,hsysi,juw || 3 || 34 || 23
    1 || Monali || "coppers bars","rods and profiles" || || 23 || 23
    2 || money || "COUPLING","FLANGES & CROSS OVER" || 67 || 23 || 60
    2 || money || 17",19"LCD PANEL FOR COMPUTER || 67 || 23 || 60

    So, if result looks good, use this regexp in the table DDL:


    Carefully test it on the whole dataset and check for empty/null values, fix regexp if necessary.