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How to access the csrf_token inside django view

I'm trying to access the csrf_token inside the django view function.

I have tried importing the csrf:

from django.template.context_processors import csrf

and using it like this

landingPageHtml = landingPageHtml.replace('csrf_token', csrf(request)['csrf_token'])

But I'm getting an error. second argument must be a str not lazy object.

How can I access the csrf token in a view?

def viewLandingPage(request, slug):

    lp = getLandingPage(request, slug)

    landingPageHtml = getLandingPageFile(request, lp['file'])

    landingPageHtml = landingPageHtml.replace(
        '{{ lp.seo_title }}', lp['seo_title'])

    landingPageHtml = landingPageHtml.replace(
        '{{ lp.seo_description }}', lp['seo_description'])

    landingPageHtml = landingPageHtml.replace('csrf_token', 'csrf_token')

    return HttpResponse(landingPageHtml)


  • Maybe you are looking for this to get csrf token


    Reference: How can i get csrftoken in view?