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Composer throws syntax error in browsercap.ini

I downloaded full_php_browscap.ini from

When I do composer update, I get the ff. error:

PHP: syntax error, unexpected end of file, expecting ']' in /usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/full_php_browscap.ini on line 102

This is lines 100 - 103 for reference (without the numbering prefix):

100) RenderingEngine_Maker="Microsoft Corporation"
102) [Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0*; *Windows NT 6.2*Win64? x64*Trident/4.0*)* 360Spider]
103) Parent="360Spider"

Any ideas why?


  • One obviously cannot parse an *.ini file with PHP directly; use parse_ini_file() instead. That log says nothing about composer... you've probably just added that *.ini into the wrong directory. If you'd move it outside of the web-root or anywhere else where it won't get scanned when running composer update, that should work.