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Nonetype on API call

using http.client to export survey responses from Qualtrics. In order to get my survey responses I required the progress Id... when I create the data export I am able to see the result of it but get NoneType error when trying to get the value I need:

import http.client

baseUrl = "https://{0}{1}/export-responses/".format(dataCenter, surveyId)
headers = {
    "content-type": "application/json",
    "x-api-token": apiToken
downloadRequestPayload = '{"format":"' + fileFormat + '","useLabels":true}'

downloadRequestResponse = conn.request("POST", baseUrl, downloadRequestPayload, headers)

{"result":{"progressId":"ES_XXXXXzFLEPYYYYY","percentComplete":0.0,"status":"inProgress"},"meta":{"requestId":"13958595-XXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ-407d23462XXX","httpStatus":"200 - OK"}}

So I clearly see the progressId value I need but when I try to grab it...

progressId = downloadRequestResponse.json()["result"]["progressId"]
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'json'

(I know I can use the requests library Qualtrics suggests but for my purpose I need to use http.client or urllib)


  • Please see

    conn.request doesn't return anything (which in Python, means it returns None, and this is why your error is happening).

    To get the response, use getresponse, which when called after a request is sent, returns an HTTPResponse instance.

    Also, note that there is no json method in an HTTPResponse object. There is a read method, though. You may need to use the json module to parse the contents.

    import json
    conn.request("POST", baseUrl, downloadRequestPayload, headers)
    downloadRequestResponse = conn.getresponse()
    content =
    result = json.loads(content)