I have two datasets of data printed on the same graph. What I want is to differentiate the information by putting a legend that indicates the color of each of the two pieces of information in the graph.
I have not been able to put a different color to each information and also a legend that shows what data each color belongs to.
My code:
%grafica de barras 1
%grafica de barras 2
%personalizacion de la grafica
text = strcat('Casos por día en:',{' '}, pais1,{' '},'vs',{' '},pais2) ;
ylabel(app.CasosUIAxes,'Cantidad de casos')
You can only differentiate the lighter bars from the dark ones. The idea is to change that color to a color, for example a red and black, and at the same time in the legend show the indications of these two colors.
You can try this:
bar(app.CasosUIAxes, data1.dateRep, data1.cases, 'r')
bar(app.CasosUIAxes, data2.dateRep, data2.cases, 'b')
For adding legend to bar graphs,
b1 = bar(x, y1);
hold on
b2 = bar(x, y2);
legend([b1 b2],'Bar Chart 1','Bar Chart 2')
Source: MATLAB Documentation Page