I have a firebase cloud function:
exports.copyImage = functions.region('us-central1').https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
const { auth } = context || {}
const { uid } = auth || {}
if (!uid) throw 'Unauthenticated'
const srcBucketName = <bucket-name>'
const destinationBucketName = '<bucket-name'
const { imageFile, archiveId, sessionId } = data
const srcFileName = `message-attachments/${imageFile}`
const destinationFileName = `archived-attachments/${uid}/${imageFile}`
console.log(`source path: ${srcFileName}\ndestination path: ${destinationFileName}`)
const storage = new Storage()
.then(() => {
console.log(`COPY SUCCESS: gs://${destinationBucketName}/${destinationFileName}`)
.catch(err => console.error('COPY ERROR: ' + err))
and I have a react-native project (v61.5) using react-native-firebase (v5) which calls this function:
imageFile: fileName,
archiveId: uid,
.then(() => {
// copied file
const ref = firebase.storage()
.then(url => {
// do more
.catch(err => alert(err.message))
.catch(err => {
// copy error
the problem is im not getting any log output in the functions console when executing this function. the functions been successfully deployed as well. Any advice?
Updating my comment in this answer as it solves the issue.
The issue occurred because Jim has been triggering a different function copyFile
instead of copyImage
mismatch between the function name
Updating the function name solved the issue!