We want to get the list of roles and members existing in an Azure Analysis services via Powershell. Is it possible? https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/analysis-services/analysis-services-powershell Based on these list , I did not get any list to get these details
I have provided a solution over here. You basically need to call the tabular object model directly from PowerShell scripts. Please find below script which will give the roles and members of a Model.
$ServerName = "asazure://westus.asazure.windows.net/abc:rw"
$DB = "adventureworks"
$Server = New-Object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server
$Database = $Server.Databases.Item($DB)
foreach ( $roles in $Database.Model.Roles) {
#Write-Output $roles.Name
foreach ( $role in $roles) {
Write-Output $role.Name
Write-Output "----------------------"
foreach ( $member in $roles.Members) {
"Member Name: " + $member.Name
Write-Output "`n"