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How to get list of roles and members in an Azure Analysis service via Powershell

We want to get the list of roles and members existing in an Azure Analysis services via Powershell. Is it possible? Based on these list , I did not get any list to get these details


  • I have provided a solution over here. You basically need to call the tabular object model directly from PowerShell scripts. Please find below script which will give the roles and members of a Model.

     $ServerName = "asazure://"
     $DB = "adventureworks" 
     $Server = New-Object Microsoft.AnalysisServices.Server
     $Database = $Server.Databases.Item($DB)
     foreach ( $roles in $Database.Model.Roles) {
         #Write-Output $roles.Name
         foreach ( $role in $roles) {
         Write-Output $role.Name
         Write-Output "----------------------"
         foreach ( $member in $roles.Members) {
              "Member Name: "  + $member.Name
             Write-Output "`n"

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