@StreamListener are deprecated now, so I try to rewrite my consumer in functional way.
Java code
public class MyConsumer {
public void handleMyMethod(MessageEntity message) {
public class MyConsumerConfiguration {
private final MyConsumer myConsumer;
public Consumer<MessageEntity> myMethod() {
return myConsumer::handleMyMethod;
spring.cloud :
stream :
kafka.binder.brokers :
- ""
function.definition : myMethod
bindings :
myMethod-in-0 :
destination : service.method.update
void handleMyMethod() {
MessageEntity message = new MessageEntity();
template.send("service.method.update", message);
.atMost(6, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.untilAsserted(() -> {
verify(myConsumer, atLeastOnce()).handleMyMethod(entityCaptor.capture());
MessageEntity entity = entityCaptor.getValue();
Run test. The message is coming to Kafka (I see it in Kafka Tool), but MyConsumer doesn't catch it. Test fails with the error:
<Capturing argument>
-> at com.my.project.MyConsumer.handleMethod(MyConsumer.java:33)
Actually, there were zero interactions with this mock.```
I found the problem. My util module, integrated in the module I described above, has its own "function.definition" property. And since the module above is configuring before the util module, the util module erases methods from the top-level module. I solved the problem in this way:
StreamFunctionProperties streamFunctionProperties;
String definitionString = StringUtils.hasText(streamFunctionProperties.getDefinition()) ?
streamFunctionProperties.getDefinition() + ";" :
streamFunctionProperties.setDefinition(definitionString + "methodDeleteOut;methodUpdateOut;roleUpdateIn;roleDeleteIn");