We can generate random numbers in an interval [a,b] easily if we want to make it uniformely:
A=rand()*(b-a) + a
where rand()
is a function which can generate a uniform random number between 0 and 1. so A
is a random number in [a,b]
For generating a random number based on a distribution function like y=x-x^2
, i faced a problem.
I would like to use a method mentioned here. But i am not interested to use the python function inverse_cdf(np.random.uniform())
I can compute the CDF of function "y" by an integration over 0 and X and i call it "f". But when i put the rand() function(a number between 0 and 1) into the inverse function of f, i get a complex number!
It means: A=f^(-1) (rand())
returns a complex number.
Is it a correct way for generating a random number based on a distribution function?
I used this website to compute the inverse of f=x^2/2 - x^3/3
and the code below is a part of the calculation that shows that the tmp1
is always negative
for i=1:10
tmp1 = 2*sqrt(6)*sqrt(6*rnd1^2-rnd1)-12*rnd1+1
cTmp1 = tmp1^(1/3)
The question is: "Is it a correct way for generating a random number based on a distribution function?" Thus, basically you have either continuous Probability Density Function (PDF) or discrete Probability Mass Function (PMF) with notation f(x) and you are are looking for a way to find random variate x.
There are at least two ways to do this.
Using Inverse transform: If we know the function of probability distribution, then for some Cumulative Distribution Function (CDF) we can find the closed from of random variate. Suppose your probability function is f(x) and the CDF is F(x) then assuming you can get the inverse function, you can get random variate
x=inverse F(U)
where U is random uniform distribution
Using Rejection Method: If the CDF does not have a closed form inverse, then you can always use rejection method. The idea of rejection method is to generate a random 2D point (a pair of random number): (r1, r2) and then the point is either under the curve or over the curve of the PDF. If the point is under the curve, then we take this value as our random number, otherwise we sample another point. Suppose PDF f(x) is bounded by a maximum value M
r1 is generated within interval [a, b] of horizontal axis
r2 is generated within interval [0, M] of vertical axis
If r2 <f (r1) then accept r1 and output r1
Else reject r1 and generate new random point
Inverse Transform method is superior to the Rejection method if you can find the inverse of the CDF because you can get the closed form. For instance, CDF of Exponential distribution with rate 1 is F(x) = 1-exp(-x). The inverse transform would be
x= inverse F(U) = -ln(1-U) = -ln(U)
because 1-U2=U2