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Definition of COBOL variable to use for DB2 date arithmetic

I have cases where I want to a add or substract a variable number of days from a timestamp.

The most simple example is this:

FROM SYSIBM.SYSDUMMY1                  

My problem is figuring out the right cobol definition for MOD-DAY.
As far as I'm aware, we are running DB2 version 11.

According to
the DB2 definition of the variable must be DECIMAL(8,0)

That could be 9(08) or S9(08) but in both cases, and any other variation I have thought up so far, I get the compile error DSNH312I E DSNHSMUD LINE 1181 COL 49 UNDEFINED OR UNUSABLE HOST VARIABLE "MOD-DAY"

I have of course made certain that MOD-DAY has been defined, so the key word must be UNUSABLE

The error code definition for DSNH312I is pretty generic:

So does anyone know the right COBOL variable definition to use in this case?


  • Decimal in Mainframe-DB2 means comp-3.

    So the field should be defined as S9(08) comp-3

    If you look at the Cobol Copybooks generated by DB2 for DB2 Tables / Views you will see both the DB2 definition and the generated Cobol fields. That can be another way to solve queries like this