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Is there way to pass Symfony variables to translation without keys

we are now using custom translations for our project in PHP and I want to migrate them to Symfony ones. Everything looks great, but my only concern is that variable placeholders needs key to bind successfully, can I somehow change the code to accept translation variables in sequence (without keys)?

Let me show an example:
Our code now:

$translator->translate('For the period %date%, %data%', [$dateInterval, $additionalData]);

But this is how Symfony wants it:

return $this->symfonyTranslator->trans('For the period %date%, %data%', ['%date%' => $dateInterval, '%data%' => $additionalData]);

This is what I want:

return $this->symfonyTranslator->trans('For the period %date%, %data%', [$dateInterval, $additionalData]);

Is this somehow possible? I didn't find it anywhere in the documentation and Google didn't help either.


  • I have solved it by myself this is the code (in case anyone needs it):

    Basically, it gets all %variables% and sets them as array keys with corresponding array values from $parameters variable.

    public function translate(string $gettextString, array $parameters = []): string
        $gettextString = $this->newlinesNormalizer->normalize($gettextString);
        preg_match_all('~\%(\S+)\%~m', $gettextString, $matches);
        $variables = $matches[array_key_last($matches)];
        $finalParameters = [];
        foreach ($variables as $index => $variable) {
            if (substr($variable, 0, 1) === '%' && substr($variable, -1) === '%') {
            $finalParameters['%' . $variable . '%'] = $parameters[$index];
        return $this->symfonyTranslator->trans($gettextString, $finalParameters);