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Prestashop 1.7.7 create a ToggleColumn on a custom field

In my database I have a field isVerified which is a bool : 0 / 1.

I want to create a ToggleColumn so whenever I click on the admin panel it switches to true / 1 and I perform an action like sending a mail.

Here is what I made so far :

  • Create a isVerified column in the database set it to a bool default 0

  • Create :

              ->add((new ToggleColumn('isVerified'))
                  'field' => 'isVerified',
                  'primary_field' => 'id_customer',
                  'route' => 'admin_customers_toggle_verify',
                  'route_param_name' => 'customerId'
  • Parameter a route in customers.yml :


          path: /{customerId}/toggle-verify
          methods: [POST]
            _controller: PrestaShopBundle:Admin/Sell/Customer/Customer:toggleVerify
            _legacy_controller: AdminCustomers
            _legacy_link: AdminCustomers:verifycustomer
              id_customer: customerId
            customerId: \d+
  • Created a toggleVeryfyAction method in the CustomerController : $editableCustomer = $this->getQueryBus()->handle(new GetCustomerForEditing((int) $customerId)); $editCustomerCommand = new EditCustomerCommand((int) $customerId); $editCustomerCommand->setIsVerified(!$editableCustomer->isVerified()); $this->getCommandBus()->handle($editCustomerCommand);


  • The solution I found is adding fields into theses files :

    - CustomerFormDataProvider
    - CustomerFormDataHandler
    - AddCustomerCommand
    - EditCustomerCommand
    - GetCustomerForEditingHandler
    - EditableCustomer
    - CustomerType