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Using Google's maps sdk android utility library in Huawei Map Kit

I am trying to migrate Google Maps to Huawei Map kit. But there are no features for ClusterManager, ClusterItem, DefaultClusterRenderer e.t.c.

Now I am trying to use below this library for it:

But I do not know how to implement it. I opened Gradle window and expand Tasks under my project then double-clicked assemble but it did not extract that .aar file and gave me below error:

enter image description here

How to solve this? How to implement this library? Anyone here to implemented this successfully?

dependencies {
   implementation(name: '3rd-maps-utils-2.2.0-yyyyMMdd', ext: 'aar')



    1.You need refer Github to download the code.

    2.Run the code, click library->Tasks->build->assemble.

    3.After Run, find 3rd-maps-utils-2.1.0-yyyyMMdd.aar file in library/build/outputs/aar/ path.

    4.Copy 3rd-maps-utils-2.1.0-yyyyMMdd.aar file to your own app/libs/ path.

    5.Add codes below in project build.gradle file.

    allprojects {
           repositories {
                  flatDir {
                         dirs 'libs'

    6.Add codes below in app build.gradle file.

    dependencies {
        implementation(name: '3rd-maps-utils-2.1.0-yyyyMMdd', ext: 'aar')

    You can refer this screenshoot where you can find the assemble in the upper right corner of AS by clicking "Gradle" :)

    enter image description here