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How to hide views in layout editor using data binding in android

I am using data binding in my xml layout, I need to hide some views when user click on a button and its working perfectly fine.

Problem is that I need to place other views to places where hidden views were placed. But while editing layout in layout editor its showing all the layouts. How can I force editor to hide all those views that are bind with dynamic visibility, so I can place new views.

Here is what i am doing in my layout

        <import type="android.view.View" />
            type="Boolean" />

this is how I set visibility which is working fine when I run app

android:visibility="@{isInEditState ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE}"


  • Use tools:visibility="invisible" or tools:visibility="gone" to the views whose visibility is bound to databinding to not to show up in the layout editor

    Ps: On adding this attribute if you get any error, just add the required namespace(toolsNs) by pressing alt+enter