I want to be able to add all of the numbers from the input file to find the sum, but I am not sure how to really go about this? I could use a few pointers. This is what the input text file contains:
Mark Cyprus 21
Elizabeth Monroe 45
Tom McLaugh 82
Laura Fairs 3
Paul Dantas 102
This is what my code is so far
#include <fstream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
class Age
//Create the variables
string first_name, last_name;
int age, sum_age, average_age;
bool isblank(const std::string& s)
{ //True if s is empty or only contains space and/or TABs.
return s.find_first_not_of(" \t")==std::string::npos;
void readFile ()
ifstream file;
string line;
// file opened?
if (! file) {
cerr << "can’t open input file." << endl;
// getline is true for as long as end of file is not reached
while(std::getline (file,line)){
if (! isblank(line)){
// now the variable string "line" contains the line content
file >> first_name;
file >> last_name;
file >> age;
Is there a way to only catch the age instead of reading the names? I don't believe I actually need the names for this. So it might be best to delete those first_name and last_name variables, but I am unsure how to only read the numbers in the file.
There is a problem in:
while(std::getline (file,line)){
if (! isblank(line)){
// now the variable string "line" contains the line content
file >> first_name;
file >> last_name;
file >> age;
Once you complete the getline you already have the 3 values in variable line
but you never use it. You are doing a second read... so you are ignoring half the lines in your input.
What you should do instead is:
while(file >> first_name >> last_name >> age)
//do whatever you want to do with age in here
This loop will end if you are unable to read a sequence 2 strings and 1 number, either due to reaching the end of file or illformed input.
By reading like this you don't need the isblank