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Minimizing norm subject to linear constraint, using quadratic programming/minimization in Python

I need to solve the following quadratic minimization subject to linear inequality constraint;

enter image description here


||ξ|| is the Euclidean norm of ξ,

ξ and vk are vectors

and λk is a scalar.

I think this can be done with CVXOPT, but I don't have any experience with quadratic minimization so I am a bit lost, some help or just pointers would be greatly appreciated!.

solve ξ∗ = argmin||ξ|| subject to z.T ξ ≥ −λk


  • cvxopt.solvers.qp seems to be able to solve

    1/2 xT P x + qT x

    subject to

    Ax ≤ B

    For your case,

    ||ξ||2 = ξ2 = ξT I ξ = 1/2 ξT (2 × I) ξ + 0 x ξ

    where I is an identity matrix. So your P and q are (2 × I) and 0 and A = -z_k, b = l_k.

    With the given z_k and l_k (λ), you can solve matrix inequality by

    import numpy
    from cvxopt import matrix
    P  = matrix([
        [2., 0., 0.],
        [0., 2., 0.],
        [0., 0., 2.]
    q   = matrix([[0., 0., 0.]])
    z_k = matrix([
    l_k = matrix([4.])
    from cvxopt import solvers
    sol = solvers.qp(P, q, -z_k, l_k)
    print(sol['x'])                 # argmin ξ
    print(sol['primal objective'])  # min ξ^2

    Check this.

    If you need min ||ξ||, the norm:

    import math
    print(math.sqrt(sol['primal objective']))