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Is there a better way in Svelte to include a conditional HTML element

I started to come across this problem a lot. I want to include an element around other elements if a boolean is true. In the example below I make two if statements, but if the code that I want to wrap is big this will make it unclear what is happening. Also, there will be duplicate code. Is there a better way to this solution?

   let boolean = true;

   <img src="source" />

   <a href="/home">
      <img src="source" />


  • If this is something you find yourself doing often, you could make a ConditionalLink component out of it using slots.

    <!-- ConditionalLink.svelte -->
        export let isWrapped = false;
        export let href;
    {#if isWrapped}
    <a {href}>

    It can be used like so:

        import ConditionalLink from './ConditionalLink.svelte'; 
        let wrapLink = false;
    <ConditionalLink isWrapped={wrapLink} href="#">
        I'm a link
    <label><input type="checkbox" bind:checked={wrapLink}> wrap link</label>