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Is it possible to change the exams result to a different scale?

We created an exam with a total of 29 points. However, we would like to present to students the HTML using a 0 to 20 scale (Points row of the HTML; with the nops_eval function):

enter image description here

The corresponding points of each exercise (summing a total of 29) should continue appearing in the Evaluation grid, e.g.:

enter image description here


  • Keeping the points and evaluation for the exercises as it was and just changing the scaling of the sum of the points is not possible. If you want to do so for the HTML reports, I guess it is easiest to read the individual .html files into R, replace the points with what you want to put there. readLines(), gsub(), and writeLines() should be useful here.

    However, what is possible, is to change the points associated with each exercise in the entire evaluation. To do so you can use

    nops_eval(..., points = ...)

    where points must be a vector of the same length as the number of exercises (22 in your case). This overrules the number of points that was previously set within the exercises (via expoints) or in exams2nops(..., points = ...).