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Last value grouped by month for reporting monthly progress

Hi I have a table that looks like the following

grouping_coulmn value date_modified
1 5 2020-10-15
1 10 2020-10-20
2 3 2020-10-20
1 11 2020-11-30
1 11 2020-12-10
1 5 2020-12-15

How could I make a query that returns the following results

grouping_column last_value_of_month month
1 10 OCT 2020
1 11 NOV 2020
1 5 DIC 2020
1 5 JAN 2021
2 3 OCT 2020
2 3 NOV 2020
2 3 DIC 2020
2 3 JAN 2021

In other words it should return the last value of the group each month, from the first entry until the current month. I could work it out if you don't fill the missing months, but I don't know how to work that out.

NOTE: this question was asked on January 2021, just for context.


  • First, generate all the months based on the oldest date in the table:

    with months as (
      select ddate + interval '1 month' as end_date,
             to_char(ddate, 'MON YYYY') as month
        from generate_series(
                 (select min(date_modified) from table1)
               interval '1 month'
             ) as gs(ddate)

    Join that back to your data table, and use distinct on to limit the result to one record per (grouping_column, month):

    select distinct on (t.grouping_column, m.end_date)
           t.grouping_column, t.value as last_value_of_month, m.month
      from months m
           join table1 t
             on t.date_modified < m.end_date
     order by t.grouping_column, m.end_date, t.date_modified desc;


     grouping_column | last_value_of_month | month   
     --------------: | ------------------: | :-------
                   1 |                  10 | OCT 2020
                   1 |                  11 | NOV 2020
                   1 |                   5 | DEC 2020
                   1 |                   5 | JAN 2021
                   2 |                   3 | OCT 2020
                   2 |                   3 | NOV 2020
                   2 |                   3 | DEC 2020
                   2 |                   3 | JAN 2021

    db<>fiddle here