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Using a slider in MATLAB GUI

Following the hints given by Benoit_11 in Use a slider in MATLAB GUI, I started adapting his code so to fit my case.

I noticed that when the vector SliderValue*(1:0.1:20).^2 is modified to SliderValue*(1:dt:20).^2, with dt = 0.1, the plot does not show anything. This is required as I want to use an expression defined by variables.

A second question: how can I manually define the axes ranges?

My code:

%function GUI_slider

    % GUI Controls
    dt = 0.1;
    t = 0:0.1:100;
    handles.figure = figure('Position', [100 100 1000 500], 'Units', 'Pixels');
    handles.axes1 = axes('Units', 'Pixels', 'Position', [60, 120, 900, 300]);
    handles.Slider1 = uicontrol('Style', 'slider', 'Position', [60 40 400 25], ...
                                'Min', min(t), 'Max', max(t), 'SliderStep', [.01 .01], ...
                                'Callback', @SliderCallback);
    handles.Edit1 = uicontrol('Style', 'Edit', 'Position', [150 453 100 20], ...
                              'String', 'Click on slider');
    handles.Text1 = uicontrol('Style', 'Text', 'Position', [70 450 70 20], ...
                              'String', 'Slider Value:');
    handles.xrange = 1:dt:20;           %// Use to generate dummy data to plot
    guidata(handles.figure, handles);   %// Update the handles structure

    function SliderCallback(~,~)        %// This is the slider callback, executed when you release  it or press the arrows at each extremity. 

        handles = guidata(gcf);

        SliderValue = get(handles.Slider1, 'Value');
        set(handles.Edit1, 'String', num2str(SliderValue));

        plot(handles.xrange, SliderValue*(1:0.1:20).^2, 'Parent', handles.axes1);


What should I correct to have it running?


  • As Cris Luengo noted, if un-comment first line ( %function GUI_slider ) and last line ( %end), dt would be considered as a global variable for all sub-functions inside your main function ( GUI_slider), Therefore, dt is accessible inside the sub-function SliderCallback(~,~) and you can run the code with SliderValue*(1:dt:20).^2.

    For the second question, using the function axis you can manually set axes range:

    axis([x_min, x_man, y_min, y_max]);


    set(gca, 'xlim', [x_min, x_max]);
    set(gca, 'ylim', [y_min, y_max]);