I have following incrementing id:
create table PATIENT (
generated by default on null as identity ( start with 1 nocycle order) not null
I noticed that, when I provide an id ( for example on my first inserts) the id in the created sequence does not increment.
As a result if I add a patient with id 1 and after that one with id NULL I get an error.
Is there a way to avoid this? Or do I have to remove all ID's from my insert scripts?
If you provide a (non-null) value for the identity column, the sequence stays at the same value. This means the identity can try and insert a value you provided manually.
There are a couple of paths you could take here
Never supply values for the identity column. Set it as generated always
to ensure no-one can do this:
create table patient (
patientid integer
generated always as identity (
start with 1 nocycle order
) not null primary key
insert into patient
values ( 1 );
ORA-32795: cannot insert into a generated always identity column
Allow scripts to provide values, but reset the identity's sequence to the columns maxvalue immediately after using alter table
drop table patient
cascade constraints purge;
create table patient (
patientid integer
generated by default on null as identity (
start with 1 nocycle order
) not null primary key
insert into patient
values ( 1 );
insert into patient
values ( 11 );
insert into patient
values ( default );
ORA-00001: unique constraint (CHRIS.SYS_C0024892) violated
alter table patient
modify patientid
generated by default on null as identity (
start with limit value
insert into patient
values ( default );
select * from patient;