I've got a problem with setting my environment to work with Spartacus. I've started by following documentation and performed all operations step by step. Finally, I've obtained working local Commerce Cloud (2005.4) instance with -spa
websites showing up in the Backoffice.
Next, I've created fresh Spartacus 3.0 using these docs and connected it to my Commerce. What I get is a storefront with non-working PDP, Search Result Page (B2B), etc. I'm getting Translation key missing 'TabPanelContainer.tabs.TabPanelContainer' in the chunk 'product'
error all over the site.
I don't know what might be the source of the problem because I'm strictly following the official documentation. Any help will be appreciated!
The addon "spartacussampledataaddon" was changed to "spartacussampledata" extension. Please download the "spartacussampledata", and try again. (https://sap.github.io/spartacus-docs/installing-sap-commerce-cloud-2005/). Also please make sure the base-site configured in Spartacus is the "spa" site.