My company wants to migrate from kubernetes on-premise into AKS Azure Cloud. We have arround 120 microservices in on-premise.
I want suggestions for the deployment in AKS Azure with Loadbalancer integrated to each microservices deployed.
After i deploy some microservices, e.g microservice A, and B in separated namespace.
How do i set the Loadbalancer(Front) connected to AKS(Backend), e.g
www.domain.tld/a will be forwarded to microservice a
www.domain.tld/b will be forwarded to microservice b
What additional stack should i use to implement custom host loadbalancer in Azure ?
Any suggestions or articles about this really help me to plan this migration
It's a very broad question, however you are looking for something like NGNIX ingress controller or Application gateway ingress controller
which allows the gateway to load-balance traffic to Kubernetes pods.