We have a project that builds fine with Flex Builder 3.
I installed a trial of IntelliJ Idea 10.5 to try and see if it makes the compilation faster. In IntelliJ you have 3 compiler options. With the 3rd one (Mxmlc/compc) it works, but compilation time doesn't improve.
I believe the first option (Built-in compiler shell) would improve the compilation a lot (using multiple threads) but then I get this error:
[(Flex Application 6)] java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: flex2.tools.oem.internal.OEMConfiguration.setIncludeResourceBundles([Ljava/lang/String;)V
I am pointing IntelliJ to the same Flex SDK as Flex Builder/Eclipse is.
Thanks Marcelo
Built-in compiler shell in IntelliJ IDEA doesn’t support ancient Flex SDK 3.0.0. Please consider updating.