In typical transportation optimization problem, we optimize cost for given sources:(Distribution Centers) and demand:(Stores) points.
In below example, how can we add additional constraint to limit no. of Distribution Centers(DC) ?
i.e. Problem :
if dc_lim=10
Then Total DCs in optimize network<=dc_lim.
Current Code:
model = ConcreteModel()
model.dual = Suffix(direction=Suffix.IMPORT)
# Step 1: Define index sets
CUS = list(I) # Stores
SRC = list(Supply.keys()) # DCs (Distribution Centres)
# Step 2: Define the decision
model.x = Var(CUS, SRC,K, domain = NonNegativeReals)
# Step 3: Define Objective
model.Cost = Objective(
expr = sum([T[c,s,k]*model.x[c,s,k] for c in CUS for s in SRC for k in K if (c,s,k) in T]),
sense = minimize)
# Step 4: Constraints
#Supply Constraint
model.src = ConstraintList()
for s in SRC:
model.src.add(sum([model.x[c,s,k] for c in CUS for k in K if (c,s,k) in T]) <= Supply[s])
#Demand Constraint
model.dmd = ConstraintList()
for c in CUS:
for k in K:
model.dmd.add(sum([model.x[c,s,k] for s in SRC if (c,s,k) in T]) == Demand[c,k])
results = SolverFactory('glpk').solve(model)
It is much better to look at the math instead of a bunch of code. So here we go.
min sum((c,s,k), T(c,s,k)*x(c,s,k))
sum((c,k), x(c,s,k)) ≤ supply(s) ∀s
sum(s, x(c,s,k)) = demand(c,k) ∀c,k
x(c,s,k) ≤ M(c,s,k)*y(s) ∀c,s,k "if closed don't ship from DC"
sum(s,y(s)) ≤ limit "limit number of open DCs"
y(s) ∈ {0,1} "DC is open or closed"
x(c,s,k) ≥ 0
M(c,s,k) = min(supply(s),demand(c,k)) "constants"
Transcribing this into code is trivial.