i'm trying to add websockets
in flutter application using this package: laravel_echo: ^0.2.9.
I have Notifications and Messages in my application, so if i create websocket
for only of the two it works fine. However if i add the second websocket
they all stop working.
class PusherSocket {
Echo socket({ String authToken }){
PusherAuth _auth = PusherAuth(
headers: {
'Authorization': '$authToken',
PusherOptions options = PusherOptions(
host: "api.example.com",
port: 6003,
encrypted: true,
auth: _auth,
cluster: "CLT",
FlutterPusher pusher = FlutterPusher("MY_KEY", options, enableLogging: false );
return new Echo({
'broadcaster': 'pusher',
'client': pusher,
NB: I want to use this code in different pages
Echo echo = new PusherSocket().socket(authToken: conversationProvider.authToken);
.listen('NewMessage', (data) {
try {
final message = data;
Message _message = Message.fromJson(message);
conversationProvider.addMessage(message: _message);
} catch (error) {
Basically you do not neet to creat two instances of websockets
for that. You can creat a global websocket
then use it across the application.
here i have instantiated websocket
inside AuthProvider
because i know the AuthProvider
will be included in the root of the application, making it available to all sub Widgets
class PusherSocket {
Echo socket({ String authToken }){
PusherAuth _auth = PusherAuth(
headers: {
'Authorization': '$authToken',
PusherOptions options = PusherOptions(
host: "api.example.com",
port: 6003,
encrypted: true,
auth: _auth,
cluster: "CLT",
FlutterPusher pusher = FlutterPusher("MY_KEY", options, enableLogging: false );
return new Echo({
'broadcaster': 'pusher',
'client': pusher,
class AuthProvider with ChangeNotifier {
String authToken;
Echo echo;
Future<void> sigin({@required email, @required password}) async {
* the logic for login
* goes here
// Set echo if not set
if (echo == null && authToken != null) {
echo = PusherSocket().socket(authToken: authToken);
print("Prepare echo");
//notify others
final authProvider = Provider.of<AuthProvider>(context);
.listen('NewMessage', (data) {
try {
final message = data;
Message _message = Message.fromJson(message);
conversationProvider.addMessage(message: _message);
} catch (error) {