Can someone help me on defining jolt specification to transform input json to Output json for below json ..I have input json in a file as few json objects like {"filename":"test1","value":"10"} {"filename":"test2","value":"10"} . Transformed Output json should be like below : {"filename":"test","overallvalue":"20", "filename":[{"filename":"test1","value":"10"},{"filename":"test2","value":"10"}]}
Filename and Overall value bith I am getting some other fields so can pass as parameter to the jolt specification
Jolt uses \\
as escape character, since the data has $
which is reserved character for jolt.
"operation": "shift",
"spec": {
"#\\${main_file}": "filename",
"#\\${Overall_status}": "ex_status",
"#\\${final_message}": "error",
"*": "fl_status"