I'm using Alfresco 6 community edition in which I configured some sites, each site is associated with one tenant. (I saw last year alfresco multitenancy could be deprecated in community edition, so I chose to use sites).
But I heard it could be possible (and better) to use company home instead of sites to isolate my tenants.
I thought "Company Home" was the top level in the repository, how could I configured different company home in the same alfresco installation? I didn't found anything about this. Is it really possible? Did I miss something? Any info about this could help me.
To be complete, I connect my java application to alfresco using alfresco rest API.
The top folder in the Alfresco repository is called Company Home, although it will be referred to with the name repository in the Alfresco Share user interface. You can't have multiple companyHome in any alfresco installation.
Features not supported in a multi-tenant environment
There are some features and components that are not supported in a multi-tenant production environment. Not sure your feature occur under the below list.
Using multi-tenancy you can configure multiple, independent tenants on a single Alfresco Content Services instance. However, multi-tenancy is not supported in the following products and features:
Alfresco Desktop Sync
Alfresco Governance Services
Smart Folders
Content replication
Encrypted Content Store
Document Transformation Engine
EMC Centera Connector
Alfresco Mobile Applications (they use the default tenant and can't switch between tenants)
Alfresco Outlook Integration
Alfresco Media Management
Activiti Workflow Console
Arjun - Opentext