I have a "sSamples" table which contains UniqueID, sDate and sID-s like:
I need the SID-s by the latest sDate and grouped by UniqueID.
Result should look like:
UniqueID | SID
031311579 | 11641325
053600109 | 11641353
066051428 | 11641379
093468114 | 11641350
I tried with different query versions but the perfomance was very slow. What is the best solution for this?
Thanks for the answers!
You didn't post what your versions were (so that we wouldn't repost what you already tried). Anyway, if you didn't try analytic functions, here's how (sample data from lines #1 - 5; query you might want to try starts at line #6):
SQL> with ssamples (uniqueid, sdate, sid) as
2 (select '031311579', to_date('18.01.2021 08:18', 'dd.mm.yyyy hh24:mi'), 11641325 from dual union all
3 select '066051428', to_date('20.01.2021 07:50', 'dd.mm.yyyy hh24:mi'), 11641381 from dual union all
4 select '066051428', to_date('20.01.2021 07:51', 'dd.mm.yyyy hh24:mi'), 11641379 from dual
5 )
6 select uniqueid, sid
7 from (select uniqueid, sdate, sid, row_number() over (partition by uniqueid order by sdate desc) rn
8 from ssamples
9 )
10 where rn = 1;
--------- ----------
031311579 11641325
066051428 11641379