I'm trying to show the details of a specific activity. The response in the ngOnInit returns a JSON file correctly after I send a url parameter to the backend.
ngOnInit() {
let data = this.activitiesService.getDetails(this.router.snapshot.params)
console.log(this.router.snapshot.params); }
This is the service I'm using to communicate with backend. The console.log is showing the response correctly.
activities: Activity;
getDetails (data) {
this.http.post<Activity>(environment.getBaseAddress() + 'activities/getDetails', data, this.httpOptions2).subscribe((data:any) => {
The issue is that it's not showing the name in the template. The console says that the name is undefined.
<div *ngFor='let activity of activities?.activities'>
<p>Activity name {{ activity.name }} </p>
What am I doing wrong?
Alexander, remember: "your services return Observables, you subscribe in components"
So, your service simply -see the "return"-
getDetails (data):Observable<any>{
return this.http.post<Activity>(environment.getBaseAddress() + 'activities/getDetails',
data, this.httpOptions2)
Your component
ngOnInit() {
See that you get the data in subscribe, forget "this.data=this.activitiesService....", you don't get the data equal this.data to the functon.
NOTE: I don't check if your call to the API is ok. e.g. in .NET in a POST in general you pass and object and your're passing a string, perhafs you need call to this.http.post(environment.getBaseAddress() + 'activities/getDetails/'+data,null)
, etc.