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How to declare a function type as a parameter in TypeScript

I have a setState function in React that I would like to pass in to another function as a parameter. I was wondering how I can define this in TypeScript without using the "any" as the type:

So far it looks like this:

export const keyDownHandler = (
  event: React.KeyboardEvent,
  buttonDate: number,
  setShowCalendar: any
): void => {
  // stuff happening


  • The type of a React state setter from useState is React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<stateType>>. In your case, it looks like the state type is boolean, so:

    export const keyDownHandler = (event: React.KeyboardEvent, buttonDate: number, setShowCalendar: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<boolean>>): void => {
        // stuff happening

    You can see this in index.d.ts in @types/react, or in a decent IDE (VSCode for instance), you can see it by hovering your mouse over the state setter:

    Cursor over state setter showing popup with const setShowCalendar: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<boolean>>

    In VSCode, hovering over setShowCalendar shows this popup:

    const setShowCalendar: React.Dispatch<React.SetStateAction<boolean>>