Iam currently updating a TYPO3 Project with Flux to TYPO3 10 and now i want to migrate all fields to FieldViewhelper
Mostly all Fields war pretty well but the Inline Fal elements with CropVariants are kinda tricky. I dont know how to implement this correctly inside the config option.
My Field currently look like this:
{f:variable(name: '_allowedFileExtensions', value: '{allowedFileExtensions}')}
{f:variable(name: '_disallowedFileExtensions', value: '{disallowedFileExtensions}')}
<f:variable name="config" value="{
type: 'inline',
foreign_table: 'sys_file_reference',
foreign_field: 'uid_foreign',
foreign_sortby: 'sorting_foreign',
foreign_table_field: 'tablenames',
foreign_match_fields: {
fieldname: name
foreign_label: 'uid_local',
foreign_selector: 'uid_local',
maxitems: maxitems,
minitems: minitems,
multiple: multiple,
overrideChildTca: {
columns: {
uid_local: {
config: {
appearance: {
elementBrowserType: 'file',
elementBrowserAllowed: _allowedFileExtensions
types: {
0: {
showitem: '--palette--;;imageoverlayPalette, --palette--;;filePalette'
1: {
showitem: '--palette--;;imageoverlayPalette, --palette--;;filePalette'
2: {
showitem: '--palette--;;imageoverlayPalette, --palette--;;filePalette'
3: {
showitem: '--palette--;;audioOverlayPalette, --palette--;;filePalette'
4: {
showitem: '--palette--;;videoOverlayPalette, --palette--;;filePalette'
5: {
showitem: '--palette--;;imageoverlayPalette, --palette--;;filePalette'
filter: {
0: {
userFunc: 'TYPO3\\CMS\\Core\\Resource\\Filter\\FileExtensionFilter->filterInlineChildren',
parameters: {
allowedFileExtensions: _allowedFileExtensions,
disallowedFileExtensions: _disallowedFileExtensions
appearance: {
useSortable: 1,
headerThumbnail: {
field: 'uid_local',
width: '45',
height: '45c'
showPossibleLocalizationRecords: 0,
showRemovedLocalizationRecords: 0,
showSynchronizationLink: 0,
showAllLocalizationLink: 0,
enabledControls: {
info: 1,
new: 0,
dragdrop: 1,
sort: 0,
hide: 1,
delete: 1,
localize: 1
}" />
<flux:field type="inline" name="{name}" label="{label}" config="{config}" exclude="0"/>
Theoretical i could do something like this; Thats the way i would do it in TCA Area belowoverrideChildTca
['columns']['crop']['config'] =>
'cropVariants' => [
'heroimage' => [
'title' => 'Hero Image',
'allowedAspectRatios' => [
'1504x846' => [
'title' => '1504:846',
'value' => 1504 / 846
I cant get it to work? Has somebody any ideas oder examples how to configure this correctly? Thank You!
I found the correct writing for adding a crop variant for this example. If you add this part into overrideChildTca
-> columns
-> crop
-> config
then it should work :)
overrideChildTca: {
columns: {
crop: {
config: {
type: 'imageManipulation',
cropVariants: {
tablet: {
title: 'Tablet',
allowedAspectRatios: {
NaN: {
title: 'Free',
value: 0.0
'21-9': {
title: '21:9',
value: 2.3333333