I am working on a springboot application in a multi-threading environment where I am using Hibernate with javax.persistence.EntityManager to access database. I have separate HikariPools for read and write queries.
Here, the multiple threads while doing read operation from database (all the read queries) are using a single read connection (since I have autowired the entityManager and not using PersistanceContext). And similarly multiple threads will write to db as well with the help of writeEntityManager where a single connection is being used by all of the threads.
I am facing an issue with AbstractLockUpgradeEventListener.upgradeLock . This is happening intermittently and could not find the exact root cause for this.
Few assumptions:-
Can anyone suggest something here w.r.t design or implementation strategy or on what could be the actual root cause.
This only happens once in a while
The Hibernate EntityManager is not thread-safe, you must not use it from multiple threads.
In fact the EntityManager AND the objects loaded must not be used from multiple threads