I am new to Open Policy Agent (OPA) and Rego language. I need to convert a list of objects which I get from input to an object (in best case in O(n) time). The problem is that used key may be duplicated in a list. Input example:
"id": "a",
"body": {...}
"id": "b",
"body": {...}
"id": "a",
"body": {...}
Expected output:
"a": [
"id": "a",
"body": {...}
"id": "a",
"body": {...}
"b": [
"id": "b",
"body": {...}
What is the best option to do this? I tried to create a function, but output is never evaluated:
package test
inpt := [
{"id": "a", "body":{"a":1}},
{"id": "b", "body":{"a":1}},
{"id": "a", "body":{"a":2}},
x := f(inpt)
f(input_list) = output_obj {
output_obj := {}
inner := input_list[_]
inner_list = object.get(output_obj, inner.id, [])
merged := array.concat(inner_list, [inner])
output_obj[inner.id] = merged
The only option I found is inner loop (O(n^2)):
output_obj := {i.id : [j | j:= inpt[_]; j.id == i.id] | i := inpt[_]}
Comprehension indexing should ensure O(n) runtime complexity given the rule meets the conditions for that (which yours does):
package test
output_obj := {id: list |
some i
id := input[i].id
list := [obj |
some j
input[j].id == id
obj := input[j]