I am trying to send a POST request using WiFiClientSecure on my ESP8266. It seems that the connection itself works, but when I send the request, I get back the following message:
{"message":"text is empty (possibly HTTP/0.9)","traceId":"576eb1f7-3a18-7759-eaa1-8d0675f14fea"}
Here´s the portion of my code which sends the request. Any idea what I am doing wrong (net is my WiFiClientSecure instance)?
if(!net.connect("xxx-ats.iot.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com", 8443)){
Serial.println("connection failed");
char err_buf[1024];
Serial.printf("ssl_error: %s\n", err_buf);
net.print("POST /topics/gaswarner?qos=1 HTTP/1.1\n" \
"Host: xxx-ats.iot.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com:8443\n" \
"User-Agent: curl/7.74.0\n" \
"Accept: */*\n" \
"Content-Type: application/json\n" \
"Content-Length: 19\n\n" \
"{\"message\":\"hello\"}\n" \
"Connection: close\n\n");
Serial.println("Sent out..");
while (net.connected()) {
String line = net.readStringUntil('\n');
if (line == "\r") {
Serial.println("headers received");
Serial.println("reply was:");
String line;
line = net.readStringUntil('\n'); //Read Line by Line
Serial.println(line); //Print response
Serial.println("closing connection");
Sending out that request using curl works as expected:
curl.exe -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" --tlsv1.2 --cacert "pathtoCaCert" --cert "pathToCert" --key "pathToKey" --request POST --data "{ "message": "Hello, world" }" "https://xxx-ats.iot.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com:8443/topics/gaswarner?qos=1"
Thanks in advance
I tested @hcheung solution and it worked! So for reference I´ll provide the code here. Keep in mind that using the ESP8266HTTPClient would have been a cleaner solution:
net.print("POST /topics/gaswarner?qos=1 HTTP/1.1\n" \
"Host: xxx-ats.iot.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com:8443\n" \
"User-Agent: curl/7.74.0\n" \
"Accept: */*\n" \
"Content-Type: application/json\n" \
"Content-Length: 19\n" \
"Connection: close\n\n"\