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Any way to add arrays into HTTP request URI by using C#?

I want to send a HTTP request that looks like this:, the id will be GUID in string eventually.

I tried the below piece of code:

var idString = string.Join(",", listOfIds);

var queryString = new Dictionary<string, string>
    {"id", idString}

requestUri = QueryHelpers.AddQueryString(requestUri, queryString);

This will give me like:,5678 but I want the style like above.

Is there anyway to achieve this without using for loop?



  • QueryHelpers doesn't work with arrays because there's no standard way to pass an array of values in a query string. Some applications accept id=1,2,3 others id=1&id=2&id=3 while others id[0]=1&id[1]=2&id[2]=3.

    .NET (Core) 5 and later

    AddQueryString now works with lists of KeyValuePair<string,string>or KeyValuePair<string,StringValues>

    var parameters=new []{
                       new KeyValuePair<string,string>("id",new StringValues(arrayOfIds)),
                       new KeyValuePair<string,string>("other","value"),
    var finalUri=QueryHelpers.AddQueryString(requestUri, parameters);

    The StringValues constructors accept either a single string or an array of strings

    Before .NET (Core) 5

    String.Join itself uses a loop and a StringBuilder to create a new string without allocating temporary strings. Strings are immutable, so any string modification operation results in a new temporary string.

    You could use the source code as a guide to build your own loop. A quick solution could be something like this:

    string ArrayToQueryString_DONT_USE(string name,string[] values)
        var result=new StringBuilder();
        for(int i=1;i<values.Length;i++)
        return result.ToString();

    Unfortunately, that won't work if the parameter names or values need encoding. That's what AddQueryString does, using, once again, a StringBuilder to avoid allocating temporary strings. We can borrow that code as well:

    string ArrayToQueryString(string name,string[] values)
        var result=new StringBuilder();
        for(int i=1;i<values.Length;i++)
        return result.ToString();