After making a Get-Request to an Endpoint, I parse the returned Json String key by key, which works. The problem occurs when I try to convert the returned Date ('createdAt') to Date Type.
The error I receive
Die Konvertierung von Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavJsonValue in Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Runtime.NavDate ist nicht möglich.
Which translates to something like:
Unable to convert from NavJsonValue to NavDate
The Json I parse
"entryNo": "2",
"title": "TEST",
"description": "Test Item",
"websiteUrl": "Test Url",
"createdAt": "14.01.2021"
Relevant code
_testEntry.CreatedAt := GetJsonToken(jsonObject, 'createdAt').AsValue().AsDate();
local procedure GetJsonToken(jsonObject: JsonObject; tokenKey: Text) jsonToken: JsonToken;
if not jsonObject.Get(tokenKey, jsonToken) then
The date format returned is not a valid JavaScript format, which is what AsDate()
If you control the endpoint you should alter the date format to YYYY-MM-DD
If you have no control over the endpoint then you need to parse the date value:
local procedure ParseDate(Token: JsonToken): Date
DateParts: List of [Text];
Year: Integer;
Month: Integer;
Day: Integer;
// Error handling omitted from example
DateParts := Token.AsValue().AsText().Split('.');
Evaluate(Day, DateParts.Get(1));
Evaluate(Month, DateParts.Get(2));
Evaluate(Year, DateParts.Get(3));
exit(DMY2Date(Day, Month, Year));