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How to create standard "Microsoft Excel" button by code?

i want to know how create standard button "Microsoft Excel" by code, the button I'm referring to is created:

Open page, right click on Ribbon, Customize Ribbon, Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, Print Send and "Add" "Microsoft Excel" to action what u want on ribbon page.

i know i can use excel buffer or code unit, but i want t he functionally what use at "Microsoft Excel" to create button by code, i would like something:

"CU 365 Excel".createExcelByTable(18).

Thanks in advance.


  • The button you are refering to is part of the platform. You can't add it by code.

    I think however you can get very close by using a combination of the Excel Buffer, RecordRef, FieldRef and the system table Field:

    procedure ExportTable(TableNo: Integer)
        Field: Record Field;
        RecRef: RecordRef;
        FldRef: FieldRef;
        if RecRef.FindSet() then
                Field.SetRange(TableNo, RecRef.Number);
                // Add filters to filter out FlowFilters, Blobs etc.
                if Field.FindSet() then
                        FldRef := RecRef.Field(Field."No.");
                        // Write FldRef.Value to ExcelBuffer
                    until Field.Next() = 0;
            until RecRef.Next() = 0;
        // Export the Excel file