I am learning assembly language from a book named "The book of Assembly language" by Randall Hyde. The author of this book uses a programming language called HLA.This language is designed by the books author.It has some high level language properties which aids in learning assembly language quickly.I was trying to print a boolean value with stdput.get() procedure. But it shows an error . I dont understand where did I do wrong. The program I have written is:
program booLean;
#include ("stdlib.hhf")
BoolVars: boolean;
HasClass: boolean := false;
yoMan: boolean := true;
begin booLean;
end booLean;
And the error it outputs is:
Error in file "booLean.hla" at line 1 [errid:134802/hlaparse.c]:
syntax error, unexpected booleanTkn, expecting UndefID.
Near: << booLean >>
HLAPARSE assembly failed with 1 errors
Reserved words - such as boolean
- are case-insensitive in HLA. Therefore, you can't use booLean
, bOoLeAn
or any such variation as a program/procedure name. Just pick a different name.