I'd like to filter for documents that match a filter, and then project to remove array values that don't match requirements. In this example I need pickme1 and pickme2 to both be true. Searching for attr $eq value
"_id" : ObjectId("qewrjkl"),
"attr" : "value",
"aray1" [
"pickme1" : true,
"data1" : "jklsdjk",
"aray2" [
"pickme2" : true,
"data2" : "treasure1"
"pickme2" : false,
"data2" : "trash1"
"pickme1" : false
"data1" : "jklsdjk",
"aray2" [
"pickme2" : true,
"data2" : "treasure2"
"pickme2" : false,
"data2" : "trash2"
should yield
"_id" : ObjectId("qewrjkl"),
"attr" : "value",
"results" [
{"data2" : "treasure1"}
I started with collection.Aggregate().Match(filter).Lookup() figuring I could fill the array with the lookup, and realized that was going nowhere. I don't have any ideas at this point. Does anyone have any ideas? If nothing is found inside the array then the document(s) should have an empty array.
The aggregation
$addFields: {
aray1: {
$filter: {
input: {
$map: {
input: "$aray1",
as: "a1",
in: {
aray2: {
$filter: {
input: "$$a1.aray2",
as: "ia2",
cond: {
$eq: [
pickme1: "$$a1.pickme1",
data1: "$$a1.data1"
as: "oa1",
cond: {
$eq: [
"$project": {
result: "$aray1.aray2",
attr: 1
"$project": {
"result.data2": 1,
attr: 1
Working Mongo playground