I am trying to make the value of $input data to first match with one the pluck array values in a user table in the database before the input is saved and a response of 'its a match be given'. I trying to put these checks on an API I'm making. I'm new to laravel API and I will appreciate the help. Thank you
public function create(Request $request)
$this->validate($request, [
'inputed_number' => 'required|unique:users',
'user_id' => 'required'
try {
$phonenumber = new PhoneNumber();
$phonenumber->inputed_number = $request->inputed_number;
$phonenumber->user_id = $request->user_id;
$user = User::all();
$input = $request->only('inputed_number');
$user_number = $user->pluck('phone');
foreach ($input as $phone) {
if ($phone !== $user_number) {
return response()->json([
'success' => false,
'message' => 'Invalid number',
'data' => $phone,
return response()->json([
'success' => true,
'message' => 'Its a match!!',
'data' => $phone,
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return response()->json([
'success' => false,
'message' => 'You have already inputted this number.',
just get the whole user object with Auth:user no need for the pluck statement, you can access values directly via user object,
$user = Auth:user();
$input = $request->only('inputed_number');
if($user->phone !== $input ) {
//perform this code
If you want to match phone numbers from all users,
//get all users where phone number matches
$users = User::where('phone', $input)->get();
// iterate through $users rows
foreach ($users as $user) {
///do some thing